Founder & Secretariat
Merck for Mothers
Merck for Mothers is Merck’s $500 million initiative to help create a world where no woman has to die while giving life. Applying Merck’s business and scientific resources, we collaborate with partners to improve the health and well-being of women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. To date, Merck for Mothers has supported efforts in nearly fifty countries to help women have healthier pregnancies and safer deliveries, including in the U.S. Merck for Mothers’ approach is to support the design of innovative models to improve maternal health outcomes, testing of their effectiveness and feasibility and, if successful, to advocate for them to be scaled. For more information, visit

The Burke Foundation
The Burke Foundation is a private foundation based in Princeton, New Jersey. It funds transformative maternal health and early childhood initiatives to foster the healthy development of families and in underserved communities in New Jersey. The Burke Foundation focuses on three key areas: healthy pregnancies and births, nurturing positive parent-child relationships, and high-quality early care and learning. Learn more at
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The Community Health Acceleration Partnership
For nearly a decade, a devoted collection of philanthropists – Jeff Walker, English Sall and Austin Hearst – has sought to deliver creativity, clarity and energy to the field of community health, so as to help countries develop sustainable, integrated, effective community-health systems. Their dedication led to the formation of the Community Health Acceleration Partnership (CHAP). Through strategic engagement and catalytic investments, CHAP works with partners to build stronger community-health systems, both globally and in the United States. They supported the first round of grants of the Safer Childbirth Cities Initiative. For more information, visit
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Fondation CHANEL
Fondation CHANEL was created in 2011 to improve the economic and social conditions of women and adolescent girls around the world. It operates in over 30 countries worldwide, including a strong engagement in the United States on the intersecting issues of economic security, health and social protection and women’s leadership. For more information, visit
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George Kaiser Family Foundation
George Kaiser Family Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to providing equal opportunity to young children in Tulsa through investments in early childhood education, community health, social services and civic enhancement. Learn more at
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ContinueRhia Ventures
Rhia Ventures is a women-led social investment organization that seeks to create a vibrant market for women’s sexual, reproductive and maternal health in the US. Rhia fosters market development through three complementary areas of work: direct investment via its for-profit investment Fund; market-level research and technical assistance to the Fund; and field-level and corporate advocacy and engagement. Rhia's work will not be done until all women and pregnant people in the U.S. enjoy strong, equitable maternal and reproductive health outcomes. For more information, visit
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The W.K. Kellogg Foundation
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation (WKKF), founded in 1930 as an independent, private foundation by breakfast cereal innovator and entrepreneur Will Keith Kellogg, is among the largest philanthropic foundations in the United States. Guided by the belief that all children should have an equal opportunity to thrive, WKKF works with communities to create conditions for vulnerable children so they can realize their full potential in school, work and life. For more information, visit
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Skyline Foundation
Skyline Foundation funds local, national and global social justice organizations tackling problems at their root and shifting systems toward a more equitable future. The foundation focuses on providing flexible, core, long-term support in order to build more resilient and sustainable non-profit ecosystems addressing the foundation’s target issues which include: birth justice, climate change, educational equity and public interest journalism. For more information, visit
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The Nicholson Foundation is now closed.
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Supporting Communities, Transforming Maternal Health: A Spotlight on the Safer Childbirth Cities Initiative
We are excited to announce the publication of "Supporting Communities, Transforming Maternal Health: A Spotlight on the Safer Childbirth Cities Initiative" evaluation report by Black Mamas Matter Alliance (BMMA). This report delves into the achievements of SCC grantees, highlighting effective community-led solutions and catalyzing increased investments in maternal health innovation. Learn how SCC grantees have provided care to thousands and contributed to major policy wins in maternal health.